GDP Certificate (Good Distribution Practice)

In Georgia GDP certification is mandatory for companies engaged in warehousing and sales of pharmaceuticals.

The Georgia state requirements for compliance with GDP are based on “recognition”, i.e. duplication, of the EU GDP requirements.

GDP audits and certification are performed by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia.

Long before the GDP certification became mandatory, JSC “Medinserv” already met GDP requirements, also passing   the audits conducted on the regular basis by its European and American partners – suppliers.

ISO Certificate (Quality Management System)

High Management is represented by honorable scientists and skilled managers, who are doctors of science and professors as well as laureates of different international and Georgian awards.

JSC “Medinserv” has been applying Quality Management System in its practice for about 15 years.

Other systems maintained:

Compliance and Anti-Corruption Policy

Labor Safety

Risk Management (in addition to Quality Management System)



For almost 10 years we are rated in Gold Section on the list of the Georgia National Bureau of Ratings
